在 TrueNAS SCALE Nextcloud (TrueCharts版) 中,TrueCharts針對結構進行了一些更改,故如果使用者在按下那顆升級按紐之前沒有做一些設定的話,很有可能會導致非預期性的問題。

如果從14.x升級到15.x遇到問題的話,官方也建議不要進行rollback,以免造成不可逆的問題。請直接在 Discord 洽詢他們技術支援即可。

TrueChart Discord 社群連結: https://discord.gg/tVsPTHWTtr

stavros-k — 2022/07/11

Upgrades from 14.x to 15.x. will either work or not.
Follow the steps on 🔔・announcements. If it works, great. If not.. You’ll have to reinstall
Good news is that with the 15.x version is much more easy to split NC data and user data.
Making future upgrades safer.
As this is a breaking change, it won’t work for every setup.
There is a migration built in, but again it won’t work for every setup.
If your upgrade to 15.x fails, DON’T rollback. If you already did. Probably there isn’t much to do there.
Open a ticket in 🎫・support and we’ll see if there is anything we can do.

從 14.x 升級到 15.x。 要嘛工作要嘛不工作。
按照🔔・announcements 上的步驟操作。 如果它有效,那就太好了。 如果沒有..你將不得不重新安裝
好消息是使用 15.x 版本更容易拆分 NC 數據和用戶數據。
如果升級到 15.x 失敗,請不要rollback。 如果你已經這樣做了。 那裡可能沒什麼可做的。
在🎫·support 中開票,我們會看看有什麼我們可以做的。

而針對 14.x 升級到 15.x的步驟,官方也提出了建議的升級流程:


On the topic of Nextcloud:

We want to highlight that this is considered a completely new App, hence the “breaking change”.

For the best stability we would advice people to reinstall (with the option to save the usersdata).

While we try to help people through migration and even have added some automated migration tooling, we cannot guaranteemigration with breaking changes like these.

The correct troubleshooting steps would be:

0. Remove any mention of “nextcloud_datadir” either in env-vars or config.php, we never supported this due to us expecting this change long beforehand
0. 在 env-vars 或 config.php 中刪除任何提及“nextcloud_datadir”的內容,我們從不支援這一點,因此我們很早就期待這個改變

1. Remove any custom storage
1. 刪除任何自訂儲存庫

2. Ensure config is set to “PVC”
2. 確保配置設定為“PVC”

3. Add “” to the TRUSTED_PROXY setting like this:
3. 將“”新增到 TRUSTED_PROXY 設定,如下所示:

5. Stop and Start the old version to double-ensure the settings are applied
5. 停止並啟動舊版本以雙重確保設定已應用

6. Apply the update
6. 升級應用程式

7. wait for a good while (go grab lunch, eat it and drink a coffee afterwards)
7. 等一會兒(去吃午飯,吃完再喝杯咖啡)

8. Check if it worked out
8. 檢查是否成功

If not:

9. Manually ensure your nextcloud datastructure is correct inside the App in both /var/www/html and /var/www/html/data
9. 手動確保您的 nextcloud 數據結構在 /var/www/html 和 /var/www/html/data 中的應用程式內都是正確的

10. Double check if datadirectory is not set to anything other than /var/www/html/data (not set at-all is fine though)
10. 仔細檢查 datadirectory 是否未設定為 /var/www/html/data 以外的任何內容(但完全不設定也可以)

11. restart
11. 重啟

If, at this point, it still fails… The only solution is to file a supportticket with our staff, but most likely you will have to reinstall.


聽說有隻叫做夜空藍喵の夜喵 的頭像



TrueNAS SCALE Nextcloud (TrueCharts版) 從 14.x 升級至 15.x 的那些事(官方建議操作流程) - QR Code


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