什麼是 Meshtastic Site Planner? Meshtastic Site Planner 是一款開源的工具,它利用地形數據和無線電傳播模型來 預測 Meshtastic 節點的通訊範圍。 它可以幫助我做什麼? 預測 LoRa 訊號覆蓋範圍,確保節點之間的連線品質 評估節點在不同安裝位置的影響(如: 山、建築物、樹木等......) 改善節點部屬位…
滑鼠用久了之後開始會有滾輪會回滾的狀況,但換掉整顆滑鼠又覺得浪費嗎? 本篇教學教你如何更換滑鼠滾輪編碼器,讓你的滑鼠從獲新生! 需要的工具、物品和零件: 烙鐵 焊錫 吸錫器 螺絲起子 斜口鉗 原滑鼠編碼器相同高度的新編碼器 如何知道編碼器高度? 有些編碼器會直接在上面寫上高度是多少 m…
前情提要 https://blog.reh.tw/archives/3695 讓我們開始吧 步驟一、移除舊有的 admin 頻道 由於自 2.5 版韌體後改由 Security 進行遠端節點的設定,顧可以將舊有的頻道移除了 步驟二、複製主管理節點的 Public Key 連線至需要管理其他節點的主節點,並前往 裝置設定>Security ,將 Public Key 複製…
MeshSight 是一個第三方項目,用於視覺化呈現 Meshtastic 節點的資訊。 https://meshsight.nfs.tw/#/embed/map/25.0445824/121.5266816/11 This project is not affiliated with or endorsed by the Meshtastic project. The Meshtastic logo is the trademark of Meshtastic LLC.
MeshSight 是一個第三方項目,用於視覺化呈現 Meshtastic 節點的資訊。 https://meshsight.nfs.tw/#/embed/map/24.15831402874108/120.65368861200473/10.8 This project is not affiliated with or endorsed by the Meshtastic project. The Meshtastic logo is the trademark of Meshtastic LLC.
MeshSight is a third-party project that visually presents information for Meshtastic nodes. https://meshsight.nfs.tw/#/embed/map/1.3267988730498856/103.8699294259513/10.6 This project is not affiliated with or endorsed by the Meshtastic project. The Meshtastic logo is the trademark of Mes…
MeshSight is a third-party project that visually presents information for Meshtastic nodes. https://meshsight.nfs.tw/#/embed/map/1.6818702790238789/23.52667156058783/3 This project is not affiliated with or endorsed by the Meshtastic project. The Meshtastic logo is the trademark of Meshta…
MeshSight is a third-party project that visually presents information for Meshtastic nodes. https://meshsight.nfs.tw/#/embed/map/53.63528970918898/10.851747985524344/3.5 This project is not affiliated with or endorsed by the Meshtastic project. The Meshtastic logo is the trademark of Mesh…
MeshSight is a third-party project that visually presents information for Meshtastic nodes. https://meshsight.nfs.tw/#/embed/map/-33.05551/151.91894/3.5 This project is not affiliated with or endorsed by the Meshtastic project. The Meshtastic logo is the trademark of Meshtastic LLC.